Hartford Hospital

Healthcare & Research


Multiple Projects

Hartford, CT

Hartford Hospital is an 867-bed teaching hospital and Level 1 Trauma Center located in Hartford, Connecticut. It is the second largest hospital in the State of Connecticut. Last year, the hospital handled over 100,000 emergency room visits along with 13,500 inpatient and 22,000 ambulatory surgeries.

Accuspec has provided AccuValve® airflow control valves and Strobic high-plume dilution exhaust fans for a variety of projects over the years. These projects have included their 13th floor pharmacy, the cancer center pharmacy, the Bliss North addition, the histology department and various patient isolation rooms.

Project Highlights

  • Application: room pressurization control for pharmacy compounding, fume hood face velocity control for pathology and histology lab spaces and high velocity, high dilution exhaust fan systems.
  • Five Strobic Air Technologies’ Tri-Stack® Lab Exhaust Systems
  • 50+ Accutrol® AccuValves were installed on supply, general exhaust, specialty exhaust, and fume hood exhaust systems.
Hartford Hospital

Photo courtesy of Hartford Hospital.org

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